Nostocoida limicola

Rarely dominant – can cause bulking sludge and scum.



Filament position: within flake or free in aqueous phase
Branching: none
Movement: none
Growth habit: curved / severely bent
Aufwuchs: absent
Constrictions: visible
Sheath: none
Transverse walls: clearly identifiable
Cell form: disc-shaped to spherical
Length of filaments: > 200 µm
Filament diameter: 0.8 – 2.0 µm
Gram staining: mostly positive blue, occasionally also negative in industrial wastewater
Neisser staining: positive


Factors promoting growth:

  • sludge load (0.1 – 0.3 kg BSB5 / kg TS * d)
  • untreated raw sewage without preliminary sedimentation
  • easily degradable substrate
  • high C/N ratio


  • aerobic and anaerobic selectors with short retention time
  • optimisation of fat separation
  • addition of iron-aluminium compound products (e.g. FERRACLAR (III)) or polyaluminium chloride PAC (e.g. SACHTOKLAR 39)