Nocardioform Actinomycetes

One of the main causes of scum and foam.



Filament position: projecting out of flake or free in aqueous phase
Branching: true branches
Movement: none
Growth habit: bent filaments, antler-like
growth: none
Constrictions: none
Sheath: none
Transverse walls: not identifiable
Cell form: not identifiable
Length of filaments: < 200 µm
Filament diameter: 0.5 – 0.7 µm
Gram staining: positive blue
Neisser staining: mostly negative

Factors promoting growth:

  • high sludge load (0.1 – 0.7 kg BSB5 / kg TS * d), if hydrophobic substances, nonpolar hydrocarbons or surface-active substances are all present
  • in presence of easily degradable substrates in inflow they may grow in the low load range (0.07 – 0.15 kg BSB{1>5<1}b / kg TS * d) even without tensides or hydrophobic hydrocarbons
  • surface-active substances in inflow
  • hydrophobic substrates in inflow (greases, oils and tensides)
  • old sludge at tank surface (dead zones and/or impeded surface run-off)


  • scum drainage and separate scum treatment
  • optimisation of fat separation e.g. by addition of PLUSPAC FD 1465 before the ventilated sand and grease trap
  • addition of UTOFLOC