Type 1701

This type is very rare in municipal sewage plants, but it is common in industrial plants with starch-rich wastewater, where it causes bulking sludge.



Filament position: on the flakes or on edge of flake
Branching: occasionally untrue branches
Movement: none
Growth habit: slightly curved
Aufwuchs: partially present
Constrictions: clearly visible
Sheath: present
Transverse walls: identifiable
Cell form: rod-shaped; disc-shaped at the end of filament
Length of filaments: < 200 µm
Filament diameter: 0.7 – 0.9 µm
Gram staining: negative
Neisser staining: negative
Special features: if the septa are not identified, there is a risk of confusion with Type 1851 (low-load filament). If the cells are not identified, there is a possibility of confusion with Sphaerotilus natans.



Factors promoting growth:

  • high sludge load > 0.2 kg BSB5 / kg TS * d
  • wastewater with high concentration of carbohydrates (starch)
  • low concentrations of oxygen
  • full mixing of activation tank
  • temperature > 15 °C



  • reducing the sludge load der Schlammbelastung
  • increased concentration of oxygen
  • addition of ferrous precipitants (FERRACLAR CLASSIC, FERRAPLUS, FERRAL FD 1600, Contisolf, Contisolf Winter)