
The clearly visible sulphur deposits and gliding movement are characteristic and preclude confusion with other species. Indicator organism for insufficient ventilation or input of sludge water.



Filament position: free in water outside flake
Branching: none
Movement: gliding
Growth habit: straight / slightly curved
Aufwuchs: absent
Constrictions: none
Sheath: absent
Transverse walls: occasionally visible
Cell form: rectangular / square
Length of filaments: variable
Filament diameter: 1.5 – 2.5 µm
Gram staining: negative
Neisser staining: negative


Factors promoting growth:

  • decaying sewage
  • lack of oxygen
  • high concentration of organic acids and primary alcohols


  • improving the oxygen supply
  • ventilation of available mixing and equalisation tanks
  • dosage with ferrous precipitants (FERRACLAR CLASSIC, FERRAPLUS, Contisolf, Contisolf Winter)